
3D Modeling

Interested in turning your ideas into models to share with your friends? Want to get started on the road to being a maker, designer, or engineer? CAD it! This experience will introduce you to Tinkercad, a program for 3D - modeling designs that drive the world of invention and manufacturing. In three days, you'll start to pick up the skills and ideas which will lead to countless opportunities in the future!


01 - Introduction

Welcome to the CART Summer Camps Tinkercad 3D Modeling Project. Please review the video below for a brief introduction to this project.

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02 - Account

Follow this video or written procedure to create an Autodesk Tinkercad account if you need one.

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03 - Starters

The following starter activities will walk you through a basic but thorough introduction to the functions and capabilities of the Tinkercad modeling program.

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04 - Challenge A

Time for your first challenge. Follow the procedure bellow to find some inspiration for your model.

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05 - Copy & Align Practice

This section covers inserting, sizing and copying objects. You will also cover aligning objects to each other and grouping them to make more complex shapes.

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06 - Going Forward

Where to go from here? Watch the video below for some inspiration about how to keep moving forward with your 3D modeling in Tinkercad.

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FAQ & Help

CART Summer Camps Tinkercad 3D Modeling Help and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area.

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Build date: 2020-07-13 16:03:10.976260678 +0000 UTC m=+0.139736511